The Importance of Unbiased Media
Posted on March 30, 2020 by Daniel Farrell
In times of crisis and developing news the demand for unbiased information and reliable updates from the media far out way the demand for the exciting and potentially dubious stories you may find in the tabloids. The outbreak of COVID-19 has seen the appetite for impartial news hit new peaks over recent weeks and in this blog post we look at how unprejudiced outlets such as the BBC are becoming increasingly important and more widely used
According to research by the Havas Media Group “The BBC has become the most-trusted news brand on Coronavirus, with 64% of respondents selecting it as a reliable source of information from a list of media brands. The public-service broadcaster beat Sky News, which was voted for by 29% of participants, followed by The Guardian (15%).” The Covid-19 Media Behaviours Report, which surveyed nearly 1,500 respondents, found that more than half (53%) of Brits are using BBC News more than before COVID-19 hit the UK – more than double the proportion of people for any other channel.
This isn’t limited to the UK however and the BBC has seen record traffic across the globe as people seek out a trusted, independent news provider in a time where accurate news is more important than ever.
BBC has a vast audience worldwide but in keys markets like America the need for unbiased and non-partisan news isn’t anything new. There are very few publications for consumers to turn to that don’t have some form of political leaning. In most cases you’re either for Trump or against him and that theme hasn’t seemed to dissipate during the emergence and continued threat of COVID-19. Over the past month the BBC has grown its unique user base from 43 million to just over 55 million and it isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. Whilst the partisan bashing or praising of the Trump government might be entertaining at any other time, during a crisis you need to be able to have a more unprejudiced news source to turn to. The BBC seems to solve that issue. In numerous polls the BBC has come out on top when surveyed on qualities such as “trustworthy”, “Inspiring” & “reliable”
The same can be said of those who are advertising on BBC.com. In a recent survey in North America news consumers we’re asked, “if you were an advertiser, which of the following news sites do you feel is most effective in giving your advertisement a perception of trustworthiness?”. BBC easily came out on top:
At a time when people are consuming news at an unprecedented scale it’s important that educational institutions are perceived in the same way that the BBC is. By aligning yourself with the BBC’s brand values you can make sure you are viewed in the same way as a trustworthy and reliable educational provider. Using BBC as a platform you can share your own takes on the ongoing situation as well as provide solutions to the market who are quickly shifting to an online learning environment
Through Educates exclusive relationship with BBC we can put you in touch with their truly global audience and help you deliver key messages in a quickly evolving marketplace. We can also precisely target your desired demographic by using the BBC’s LOTAME audience segments which include those interested in UG, PG & Exec level courses
For more information please get in touch here and we’d be happy to run you through the added benefits BBC can bring to your marketing campaigns